
Wednesday, October 23, 2019

My playdate

In 2018, me and my friend Ayla had a playdate at my house. When we got there we made animal cookies, and then we had ice blocks at the beach. When we were at the beach we found a fort made out of sticks and seaweed we made sand castles in there. When we got home we iced cookies with icing, they were very yummy. After we went to go get fish & chips Ayla and I got donuts. Later on we went to flip out and did heaps of flips, we had heaps of fun. Then me and my mum dropped he off at her house when we got there we played in her room for a while until I had to go home. When I got home, I played with my cat. But sadly in 2019 she was in a different school and I never got to say bye to her.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Inflatable World

                                  Inflatable World

On Sunday the 29th of September, my dad and I went to Inflatable World because we were bored and had nothing else to do. We had heaps of fun because we jumped on the bouncy castles and slid down the slides.  We were there for 3 hours but it felt like we had been there for 3 years. It got really hot because we were running around. I felt really happy after.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

My Haiku poem

                       My Haiku Poem
                With Lisa-Maree

  1. Haiku is a Japanese poem
  2. It is usally about nature
  3. It has only 3 lines
  4. It has 17 syllables    ( 5, 7, 5 )
                                    Storms are very cool
                            And terrifyingly nice
I like storms a lot