
Friday, January 10, 2020

My Holidays!

                     My Holidays!
In the Holidays I had gone to Whare Flat Folk Festival I had
lots of fun because I could listen to music, swim in the swimming
hole and have ice cream. I made some new friends, one of the
friends was named Scarlett she is a nice enthusiastic girl and
she plays guitar, the other friend is a girl named Frida she is
from Germany, she is also enthusiastic she has two older
brothers who can be annoying sometimes, they were both glad
to be my friend because they didn't think anybody would want
to hang out with them. When my brother Corey and I were
setting up our tents somebody asked if they could take a
picture of us we said sure and the next day someone told us
we were on the news paper!
 Setting up their campsite at Whare Flat yesterday were Corey Leathart-Sutherland (15) and Ruby...
Setting up their campsite at Whare Flat yesterday were Corey Leathart-Sutherland (15) and Ruby
Leathart-Briggs (8), both from Christchurch. PHOTO: GREGOR RICHARDSON

The drive to Whare Flat was very long we left on the 28th of
December but arrived at 1AM on the 29th of December it
was a very long drive from Christchurch to Dunedin. It was a
fun adventure to Whare Flat I recommend it for you it's
from the 30th of December till the 3rd of January it is really
fun, I made a lot of friends!