
Sunday, November 29, 2020

Garden Inquiry.


For the upcoming A&P show, Anika, Freya, Greta and I have been planting lots of plants to sell. We have planted lots of lettuce and beans. We have also planted some cucumber and zucchini. There are 5 different groups as part of the gardeners, which is the planters, builders, promoters, chefs and gardeners. I'm in the planters group, with Anika, Freya and Greta.

My Hydroponics Challenge💚

My Garden Challenge 

For my growing inquiry, I am learning how hydroponics work. My friend Caily is working with me so I can help her. We are doing hydroponics because we want to try something new. Hydroponics are plants that grow without soil. To make a cheap hydroponic system you need a 5-gallon bucket,
some growing media like coco coir or perlite-vermiculite, and some nutrient mix.
Hydroponic systems work by allowing minute control over environmental conditions like temperature and pH balance. We made made it by getting a plastic bucket and putting three (3) holes in the side of the bucket. Then we put coconut husk in with 1 sunflower seed in the middle with 4 sugar snap pea seeds. After we poured water in into the bucket an put the bucket in the tray. We have finished making it so now we wait for it to grow. For the past weeks we have been watering it quite well.
The only problem we have had was it being over watered and having people keep touching it which really annoyed us. Now we just have to wait for it to grow! We will have to water it everyday and make sure it gets sunlight. Some shoots have started to sprout and we are really happy because we didn't think it would grow. Some months have passed and it has been growing very well so we decided to plant it in the school garden. Some plants have died but some have lived so we will need to look after them more carefully.

The Magical Tree!


Somewhere underground was a mystical tree that lived on the airy land. This tree was not just any tree, it was the first tree to ever grow. It bought happiness to everyone, until something happened.

Someone didn't like this tree so they chopped it down and it feel into the ground all the happiness disappeared. All the plants would die and everyone would starve. The world was turning into burning hot pieces of coal.

This had to end the tree had to come back up to the surface, but how would we get it up. Its a tree we can't lift it, there is no way we could ever get it back up to the surface.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

The Strange City


I was walking down the hill when I had fell down the hill and landed in a weird underground city. There was blinding lights all around there was also people but they weren't people they were fairies.

The fairies came and surrounded me they wanted me out because I was human but it was so cool I wasn't leaving. They tried to use magic to get me out but I was much stronger than some magic. There was no way I was leaving.

I could hear they were getting mad it was obvious they didn't want me there, but I didn't care. I stayed and I wouldn't leave.