
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

The Old Twisted Tree…..

 The Old Twisted Tree…..

Long long ago in Halloween town was a very old tree. It was so old it began to twist and cover the whole of Halloween town. Everyone said if you went near the tree you would vanish and the tree would twist more. But a little girl named sally didn’t believe this she thought it was all just a legend. So she went with her book, laid down next to the old tree and started to read. The tree stayed still Sally didn’t vanish she was absolutely fine, everything was fine. Until an earthquake happened the tree shook and the branches twisted and twisted, sally still didn’t vanish it was just an earthquake. The same earthquake that happened a hundred years ago it’s said to happen every hundred years.

Friday, March 19, 2021

The miniature Ponies.

The miniature soft horses playing on the cold slippery wet grass. Racing across the slippery wet grass. Speeding through the paddocks jumping over the barrels of hay.

Warm soft fuzzy fur on the small miniature ponies. Soft fluffy manes and tails. Black fuzzy sharp ears clean soft light brown skin.

Burning hot sun hiding behind the white fluffy clouds. The perfect soft breeze floating through the field. The field fills with the smell of a dumpster because of all the horse manure across the paddocks.

Friday, March 12, 2021

The Tropical

 The beautiful tropical island. Dolphins swimming gracefully in the ocean. Crashing waves hitting rocks palm trees everywhere moss on stones. Vines falling from the cliffs above, the squawking birds high in the sky circling the tropical island. Everything is so amazing but it was just a dream.

I woke up in my bed at least I thought I was in my bed I was laying on a raft in the ocean on the tropical island. I jumped from the raft and swam to shore. The squawking birds were still there the dolphins swimming gracefully were still there everything was still there.

Monday, March 8, 2021

The Wooden Box 5/3/2021

As I opened the old dusty wooden box my eyes grew wide. It was glowing with screaming bright light then it went dark. I could hear noises from the inside but I couldn't figure what it was. Then I saw it the dark misty forest hiding on the inside filled with grey, white eyed wolves and big brown grizzly bears. Clouds appeared rain started thunder and lightning even snow all in the wooden box. This box wasn't normal it was very old, older then the land. The box would open and the forest would appear every hundred years. The forest never changed you could always hear the howls of wolves and the screams of the people who fell into the box. You have to be careful or you might fall and if you fall you will never come out.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Marble Maze

I made a marble maze with Lily. I made it with one paper plate, a sheet of cardboard, some straws and plastic cups. The maze worked but we had to add some adjustments to it to make the marble go through easier otherwise it would get stuck in the middle and wouldn't go into the cup. It was fun making the maze and it was easy to work with Lily because we both understood what we were doing.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Keeper Of The Keys. Quick Write 3/2/2021

 In the middle of the dark woods were two great oak trees. At midnight the branches would combine and the keys would appear. The keys would glow when the man sat down with his scruffy scarf and his dusty lantern. The trees would shake and the keys would shatter into fine pieces of dust. Every night the same thing happened until the trees collapsed and the world went gray. The plants died and all the animals died the world was ending.