
Wednesday, May 19, 2021



A little girl's father had to leave for war so she ran to the docks to say goodbye but when she got there the ship had gone. Her mother was at home making dinner but the little girl didn’t go home. Instead she sat on the docks crying, hoping her father would come home soon. Her mother waited and waited for the little girl to come home but she didn’t come till late at night. The daughter was devastated to know her father left without saying goodbye. A few days later her mother fell ill and they got mail saying the father wasn’t coming home he had died in the war. The little girl had no idea what to do because her mother was ill and her father was gone. Everyday she would go to the docks and cry hoping her father would come home.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Monday, May 10, 2021

School Lunches

We made a google form to see what people liked about the school lunches. We put all of our responses onto a google slide.