
Friday, July 9, 2021

Reflection of my Term

The thing I enjoyed most about the New Zealand history so far would be the Bridle Path walk. The reason it it is my favourite is because it really showed me how hard it was for them and that we definitely had it easier than they did. First reason why we had it easier is because we have better shoes, Second reason is we didn't have to carry all of our belongings.

Another thing I enjoyed this term was Children's University because I got to try a lot of new things. For example we got to visit the Kate Sheppard House and we got to make animations.

New Zealand History Inquiry

To show my learning about New Zealand history. I created a model of a v-hut which also had a campfire, a washing line, and a table with a chair. I made it by having my teacher Nigel cute some wood for me to use so I could make the v-hut because if I used cardboard it wouldn't stay straight. When I had the wood cut I used hot glue to put it together than painted it.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Bridle Path Walk

On Tuesday 6th of July the whole class walked the Bridle Path to experience how the Europeans had felt when they had to walk it. We definitely had it easier because we didn't have to carry all of our belongings like they did.

I was very tired and my legs hurt a lot because it was quite steep and windy. On the way down lots of people fell over because it was steeper than the other side and downhill. But other than that it was very fun and easy.

The Europeans would have been tired sore wanting to just get it over with.

The hardest part was probably going up hill.

The Mystery Door

The tiny creature was trapped all alone in the cold dark cave-like hut. Squeaking was all it could think of doing “HELP ME, HELP ME!” it squeaked hoping somebody would hear the squeaks, but the little creature's squeaks were too quiet. All it wanted to do was get out of the hut.

While a woman was on a walk in the forest she started hearing noises. She thought it was just a figment of her imagination, but then they got louder and louder until she saw the hut. She knocked on the door and nobody answered so she just opened the door… Inside the creature stood squeaking so loud it could barely even squeak.

The creature was so small and adorable. The woman had no idea what to do so she picked it up and patted it then she put it back down. The little creature was as soft as a kitten's belly. That's when she noticed she had to find a home. It couldn't stay in that disgusting cave so she picked it back up and tried to find it a home.

She just couldn't think where the little creature would live. It couldn't stay in the wild would it? That's the question that went through her mind for hours and hours. Then she realized that it should live inside of a real house! So she took the creature home and made it a place to stay in a spare room of her house. The creature was so happy inside of her house the creature felt like it was finally home!! The woman was so happy that she could help because all she wanted to do was help.

Thursday, July 1, 2021



Learning Intentions:

Robots: To use descriptive language and paragraphs.

The milky way slowly revealed itself to the sky filled with colors. There were clouds of stardust scattered all over the sky. The sky was brighter than ever before, it was like a star had exploded. There was no darkness for miles, only light. It was so  bright, even blinding but he was determined to see that eclipse.

All alone he stood on that frozen lake that had been covered in ice for days. He stood staring through his telescope looking at the milky way seeing nothing but colors. His warm coat kept him warm on this cold winter night. He knew the ice could break and he could fall into the shallow waters at any moment but he didn’t care, he wanted to see the sky.

He was studying planets hoping to be an astronaut someday. All night he would get his telescope and try to find other planets in the deep milky way. He froze in amazement, he had never seen anything like this before. He was searching for an eclipse to happen so he would wait no matter what gets in his way he was determined to watch the eclipse.