
Friday, September 17, 2021

Marshmallow Earth


For inquiry today we made a model of the Earth using a marshmallow an MnM a skewer and some melted chocolate. First we had put the MnM in the marshmallow then we poked the skewer after that our teacher melted some chocolate and then waited for it to dry. It shares some similarities with the earth. The earth and the marshmallow both have four layers the chocolate is the crust, the marshmallow is the mantle, the hard part of the MnM is the outer core, and the inside of the MnM is the inner core. 

The Library Quick Write 17/9/21

In a far away land was a huge library. It was filled with stacks and shelves of books but that was all going to vanish. When this little girl had found out she ran as fast as she could to the library so she could read as many books as she could. She had grown up in this library but it was vanishing bit by bit. She read one book then another then another, she would sit on a bright blue silk chair, her eyes were basically glued to the chair all she could do was read. She was still young but had a huge love for books. One book was finished by another being chucked onto the red carpet in front of her. The sun was setting the sky was darkening her only light was a lamp that leaned over her chair. She loved that library and couldn't have it leave her, as it was her favourite place in the whole wide world. She had a very big passion for reading. But pages of books parts of bricks were being pulled into the sky above her. She liked to be alone in a world of books, some were picture books and some were chapter books, she didn't care it was a book and that's all that mattered to her.

The Sun MindMap

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Kids In Space


On Tuesday 14th of September, Urmi's literacy group had done a program called Kids in Space. The International Antarctic Centre is running it, because they want to teach kids and adults more about space and science. We watched some videos about people in space, how they eat, and how they go toilet. We also made paper gliders that would glide depending how you use them, also we made mini helicopters with some paper templates and paper clips. We got to dress up in Astronaut outfits and learned why they are orange and white. Orange is for if you need to escape your spacecraft when landing back on earth because its easy to see orange, and white is for when your outside your space craft in space so it repels heat and is easy to see against the black skies.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Stone Cold


Her skin turned grey and she dropped to the floor. As soon as she had seen what had happened to everyone. She laid stone cold staring through the roof. She wouldn't breath, move, or even blink she was lifeless laying on the floor. Nobody was around to help she was all alone. They were back....

The monsters that had turned everyone to stone about a hundred years ago had come back for revenge. They started at the bottom of the town and then turned more and more people to stone.

The Earth Layers Explanation