
Friday, August 21, 2020

Sunrise Poem!!

 Sunrise Poem

A blinding circle gliding in the sky

Breathing invisible beams of heat

Feeling as hard as rock and stone

Lifting a suitcase of flames and light

Thursday, August 20, 2020

My Pixel Art

 This is my rainbow poop that I made. I used goggle sheets to make we made it on Thursday when the Release Team came in. It was very fun to make and I couldnt think of what else to make.

Friday, August 14, 2020

My Literacy Circle

I have been making my literacy circle. We were reading Grandpas Mumbling house. I was the word person in it and it wads really fun.

The Underwater Adventure!!


It was a perfect day for diving so I decided to go for a nice dive in the ocean. When I dived in I swam to the darkest depths of the ocean and found a sunken ship. The ship was surrounded by sharks and octopuses. I had no idea how I would be able to get into that ship. But when I tried a shark saw me, I tried to swim away but the shark took me to the the boat and didn't hurt me. Then the shark swam away. I was so confused on why the shark did that. When I got back up to shore I kept thinking to myself why would the shark help me? I thought to myself for hours. I told my friends and they obviously didn't believe me but I kept telling them that it really happened but there was no way they would believe me.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

How Māori Were Treated


Te Reo Māori was the only spoken language untill the 19th century. Te Reo Māori is the native language of new zealand. Māori was the most common spoken language. Māori had no writtin language but they used symbols they had carved and embeded in weaving. Soon english settlers came to new zealand and Māori language started dying out in the 20th century.

As more settlers arrived the need for writtin communication in Māori grew bigger. Māori had no residance for illnesses brought by the European settlers. Among Māori the illnesses affected children and adults. Literacy and Numberacy were two new exciting things for Māori and took it very enthusiasticaly. 

Māori children were strapped for speaking Māori in school. Lots of Māori sought through parliment to make people teach more english in schools. Just 139 years after signing the treaty of waitangi Māori academics believed that the loss of te reo was so great that it would suffer language death.

I dont think people should be treated differently just because of the colour of thier skin everyone should be treated the same. It wouldnt have been nice and you should treat other people how you want to be treated.