
Friday, August 14, 2020

The Underwater Adventure!!


It was a perfect day for diving so I decided to go for a nice dive in the ocean. When I dived in I swam to the darkest depths of the ocean and found a sunken ship. The ship was surrounded by sharks and octopuses. I had no idea how I would be able to get into that ship. But when I tried a shark saw me, I tried to swim away but the shark took me to the the boat and didn't hurt me. Then the shark swam away. I was so confused on why the shark did that. When I got back up to shore I kept thinking to myself why would the shark help me? I thought to myself for hours. I told my friends and they obviously didn't believe me but I kept telling them that it really happened but there was no way they would believe me.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Ruby that is an amazing story but I was wondering if it was from quick write and maybe you could use more adjective's.


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