
Monday, June 17, 2019

Alice In Wonderland

                                     Alice In Wonderland!!

                                              Chapter One

Once there was a little girl named Alice She was walking down a hill and fell

down a rabbit hole it was dark and scary. The hole was filled with spider webs!

It was very deep. She fell lower and lower until she hit the roof

and then she dropped to the ground. Then she saw a key and a bottle,

the bottle said drink me so she drank it but not all of it. She put the key on

the table before she drank some of it. When she drank it she got smaller and

smaller and smaller She looked everywhere for something which would make

her bigger and then she found a cake. The cake said it would make her bigger

so she ate it and she got bigger and bigger and bigger so she got the key and

she decided to hold it this time and then drank it so then she could unlock the very

small door so then she drank some of the bottle. When she shrunk she unlocked it

and went through it. She saw the rabbit, two fat twins, a tiny mouse with a

sewing needle for a sword. She was told to follow them so she did, and she

saw a scroll and obviously she opened it. When she opened it she saw a picture

of her slaying a dragon's throat with a sword but she said "that's not me" in a

soft voice. so then the mouse said "that is you" but then Alice

said "how that's not me and this is all a dream" so the mouse

said "then you are the wrong Alice" Then they saw the same dragon rushing

at them coming to kill them they managed to kill the dragon. The dragon died

and they kept on walking until they found a blue caterpillar and he

said "who are you" in a whispering voice with smoke coming out "I am Alice'' she said.

and then he picked up the scroll and showed Alice. Alice kept saying

"THAT'S NOT ME!!" "its you Alice" said the other's

"how this is this is all a dream that is not me".

                                          Chapter Two                                                 

So then they all kept on walking until they saw some giant's with horse's and one

of the giant's had a red and black rose eye patch and tried to get Alice but the others

protected Alice. Then they started being chased and they ran as fast as they could and

didn't get caught. They went and hid under a big log behind some trees and

when the giant's left they came out of their hiding spot then they kept on walking to a

tea party in the middle of nowhere. The tiny mouse hopped into a small tea pot on the

table and the others sat on chairs around the table Alice sat on a tiny chair on the table

with a tiny table. The giants came back so they gave Alice a drink which would make

her shrink even more and then they put her into a tea pot and put the lid on Alice had

no idea what was going on after when the giants left the mad hatter sewed a small dress

for Alice and then the mad hatter put it in the teapot so Alice could put it on and then she

came out and they ran away from there so the Giants could not find them. Then they all

went to a forest and they were playing hide and seek to hide from giants and so they could

have fun. They hid under logs, behind trees, and in bushes they also climbed the trees.

Alice climbed up a tree and saw a cat that sat on a branch of a tree. It was not a normal cat

it was a treasure cat it can camouflage and talk.

                                                   Chapter Three                                                      

They all ran up trees, behind trees, in bushes and under logs because the giants were

coming so they had to stay very  quiet. The giants almost found Alice when she was up a

tree the giants where right under her talking to make a plan to capture Alice and the others

so Alice was listening to the giants plan and when the giants left Alice told the others about it so they all made a plan to stop them. The giants came and looked up at the tree Alice was

in. Alice got back in the tree and grabbed a net and threw it at the other giants' heads so they

could not capture Alice and the others. So they ran out of the forest and went to a house the

mad hatter's house and the giants had no idea where the mad hatter's house was so they were

all safe especially Alice because the giants want Alice the most nobody knows why but Alice

would hide in the basement just in case the giants found them there were so many places to

hide in the basement under beds under tables and under the piano there was even a fort

everyone was really bored so they played hide and seek until they all heard the giants

coming so Alice hid in the fort because it was invisible so nobody could see her everyone

else hid in the invisible fort with Alice nobody knew how the giants found the house. But the giants never found Alice or the others. The mad hatter went

out of the invisible fort and went upstairs to where the giants were and the mad hatter got

taken away by the giants and then everyone else including Alice and went to a secret rabbit

hole that they all fit in especially Alice because she was the smallest.

                                                      Chapter Four 

          This is Alice...


And this is Alice's sister Lorna.

And this chapter is about them well the whole story is about Alice...

Lorna is well the queen of white no wonder her hair and her dress are

white okay back to the story. Everyone heard the giants so the rabbit


all hid in the rabbit hole  the giants ran right past the rabbit hole and then

left the forest so everyone came out of the hole and kept walking until they

found somewhere else to hide... "Guys follow me" the white rabbit said

quietly "there is something I need to show you" he said quietly. So off they

went and followed the rabbit to a mysterious house... "What is it??" asked

everyone "it is my secret hide-out" said the white rabbit. "Wait a minute,

why are we even getting chased by giants, nobody ever told me..." said

Alice. "Well the Red Queen really needs you for something.." "What!?"

said Alice "Well she wants to kill you because you killed her dragon with

a sword" said the white rabbit "HER DRAGON!?!" said Alice in disbelief

"What I never killed her dragon with a sword, I don't even know her!" said

Alice... "Well what are we waiting for!?" said the white rabbit "Lets Go!!"

said white rabbit and off they went to a mysterious area in the forest... But

then they saw something very strange come out of a bush. Everyone was

scared because the creature was a three eyed dog... So they slowly backed

away and were as quiet as a statue, when they got far enough they ran for

their lives hoping the dog hadn't followed them. They ran to a village, a

small village. They had been welcomed by a small family. The family had

two kids, a girl named Evie and a boy named Zac. They also had a mum

named Melissa and a dad named Christopher. Alice and her friends stayed

at the small family's cottage for a while. Alice wanted to continue her journey

so she decided to start walking down the hill out of the cottage....

(To be continued)


  1. hi ruby you did a big chapter book amazing job

    1. Thanks good work on lost puppy.

  2. Hi Ruby Chapter Three Is The Best One

    1. Thanks anything to add to chapter 4!?!

  3. you have done good that's a very cool chapter I like that
    that's a very cool chapter like that you're done joining words
    you did a lot of words and I like that you put the full stops in it
    and I like that you did check dress and. and fill stops and I like beautiful woke and I like the beautiful pictures it's amazing that you did that much words

    1. Thanks you i am not finished anything io should add to chapter 4!?!

  4. amazing you have done so mach woke and you have fill stops and capital letters and you are amazing at writing and and I love the chapter book and you have beautiful woke and you did so mach and you have done four chapter and good and thank you for being my friend

  5. Hey of course im your friend thanks for the nice comment


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