
Friday, October 30, 2020

The Zoo Debate! Should animals be kept in zoos or not?

The Zoo Debate! Should animals be kept in zoos or not?

For reading we have been doing persuasive texts. I chose one of my favorite texts and made a popplet about it. I have done reasons animals should be kept in zoos and why they shouldn't.

My opinion is animals should be kept in zoos but also why they shouldn't. Animals should be kept in zoos for their safety, zoos might have endangered animals so zoos take them into safe places.

and animals shouldn't be kept in zoos because they shouldn't be held in captivity, also zoos can take animals from family's and away from their habitat.

The Bear and Me!

I was walking in the forest when I got lost, it was getting dark and there was bears all around. All I could hear was loud footsteps and I could barely see anything. I wanted to get out of the forest but it was to dark to see, then a bear caught me!

The bear helped me though, the bear took me across a broken tree and took me through the forest. Then the bear stopped and turned around the bear ran fast, faster then ever and hid. I was confused because we were nearly at the exit but then a group of tigers had gone past when they left we went back to the exit, and the bear took me through the exit.

I hopped of the bears back then I thanked the bear and gave it some fish. Then I saw a name tag on the bear it said Fuzzball the bears name was Fuzzball! Fuzzball followed me everywhere I went and Fuzzball helped me when I was hurt. I always gave Fuzzball fish if he was hungry. Everyday we went for a walk though the forest, it seemed Fuzzball knew his way around the forest quite well.

Written and edited by Ruby!! (After I wrote this I noticed it was a gorilla but I really didn't care)

Friday, October 23, 2020

The Mall


Bright lights


Kids shouting


Hot salty chips


Warm hot chocolate


Soft clothes from the clothing store

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Monday, October 12, 2020

The Plane (Quick Write) 12/10/2020

Blue and silver plane with a black line in the middle, while a beautiful blue sky reflects off of it. A long silver wing coming out the side with two boys sitting on top looking out into the clouds. The plane had jets that moved as fast as a blink of an eye, the plane had zoomed through the sky at lighting speed having no idea what was on the wing.

The boys saw other planes flying around them, so they started jumping on all the wings of the planes. They giggled and laughed forgetting that they are so high up in the sky. The planes went out of control and went into zig zags but managed not to crash.

The pilots had heard loud bangs not knowing what was hitting them. They had thought there were missiles hitting them but it was only the boys jumping on the wings. The pilots were scared so they started going faster and faster till they couldn't go any faster,but the boys just held on tight so they wouldn't fall.The boys were amazed of such a view, but also very scared that they would fall because of how fast the plane was going.

Written and edited by Ruby!!