
Friday, October 30, 2020

The Bear and Me!

I was walking in the forest when I got lost, it was getting dark and there was bears all around. All I could hear was loud footsteps and I could barely see anything. I wanted to get out of the forest but it was to dark to see, then a bear caught me!

The bear helped me though, the bear took me across a broken tree and took me through the forest. Then the bear stopped and turned around the bear ran fast, faster then ever and hid. I was confused because we were nearly at the exit but then a group of tigers had gone past when they left we went back to the exit, and the bear took me through the exit.

I hopped of the bears back then I thanked the bear and gave it some fish. Then I saw a name tag on the bear it said Fuzzball the bears name was Fuzzball! Fuzzball followed me everywhere I went and Fuzzball helped me when I was hurt. I always gave Fuzzball fish if he was hungry. Everyday we went for a walk though the forest, it seemed Fuzzball knew his way around the forest quite well.

Written and edited by Ruby!! (After I wrote this I noticed it was a gorilla but I really didn't care)

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