
Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Two Word Story

 The Dinosaur was big and green, like the grass outside. So then the Dinosaur went to get his breakfast. He ate leaves and grass for breakfast. One day his favourite tree caught on fire, he was very sad.

Monday, November 22, 2021

Descriptive Writing.

The wind is as cold as ice, and the trees are as hard as stone. Trees reaching higher than the clouds, with leaves falling down to the ground. Sticks falling down slowly off the tree giants. Grass as dry as dust and the sky as dark as space.

The squeaks of the animals hiding in the trees, and the screaming wind fills the dark quiet forest.

The endless paths going in circles make it impossible to leave. 

Friday, September 17, 2021

Marshmallow Earth


For inquiry today we made a model of the Earth using a marshmallow an MnM a skewer and some melted chocolate. First we had put the MnM in the marshmallow then we poked the skewer after that our teacher melted some chocolate and then waited for it to dry. It shares some similarities with the earth. The earth and the marshmallow both have four layers the chocolate is the crust, the marshmallow is the mantle, the hard part of the MnM is the outer core, and the inside of the MnM is the inner core. 

The Library Quick Write 17/9/21

In a far away land was a huge library. It was filled with stacks and shelves of books but that was all going to vanish. When this little girl had found out she ran as fast as she could to the library so she could read as many books as she could. She had grown up in this library but it was vanishing bit by bit. She read one book then another then another, she would sit on a bright blue silk chair, her eyes were basically glued to the chair all she could do was read. She was still young but had a huge love for books. One book was finished by another being chucked onto the red carpet in front of her. The sun was setting the sky was darkening her only light was a lamp that leaned over her chair. She loved that library and couldn't have it leave her, as it was her favourite place in the whole wide world. She had a very big passion for reading. But pages of books parts of bricks were being pulled into the sky above her. She liked to be alone in a world of books, some were picture books and some were chapter books, she didn't care it was a book and that's all that mattered to her.

The Sun MindMap

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Kids In Space


On Tuesday 14th of September, Urmi's literacy group had done a program called Kids in Space. The International Antarctic Centre is running it, because they want to teach kids and adults more about space and science. We watched some videos about people in space, how they eat, and how they go toilet. We also made paper gliders that would glide depending how you use them, also we made mini helicopters with some paper templates and paper clips. We got to dress up in Astronaut outfits and learned why they are orange and white. Orange is for if you need to escape your spacecraft when landing back on earth because its easy to see orange, and white is for when your outside your space craft in space so it repels heat and is easy to see against the black skies.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Stone Cold


Her skin turned grey and she dropped to the floor. As soon as she had seen what had happened to everyone. She laid stone cold staring through the roof. She wouldn't breath, move, or even blink she was lifeless laying on the floor. Nobody was around to help she was all alone. They were back....

The monsters that had turned everyone to stone about a hundred years ago had come back for revenge. They started at the bottom of the town and then turned more and more people to stone.

The Earth Layers Explanation

Friday, August 13, 2021


His dirty green coat and hat. Dark blue eyes squinting into the nothingness. Dirty grey glasses glued to his face.

He was proud but devastated to lose so many people in the war but proud to have won. All he wanted is to win with his friends not alone. Very old now a veteran he would have preferred it to have been him to get attacked instead of others. He had always put others before himself because he just wanted the best for others, he lived all alone no kids no wife just him.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Friday, August 6, 2021

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Friday, July 9, 2021

Reflection of my Term

The thing I enjoyed most about the New Zealand history so far would be the Bridle Path walk. The reason it it is my favourite is because it really showed me how hard it was for them and that we definitely had it easier than they did. First reason why we had it easier is because we have better shoes, Second reason is we didn't have to carry all of our belongings.

Another thing I enjoyed this term was Children's University because I got to try a lot of new things. For example we got to visit the Kate Sheppard House and we got to make animations.

New Zealand History Inquiry

To show my learning about New Zealand history. I created a model of a v-hut which also had a campfire, a washing line, and a table with a chair. I made it by having my teacher Nigel cute some wood for me to use so I could make the v-hut because if I used cardboard it wouldn't stay straight. When I had the wood cut I used hot glue to put it together than painted it.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Bridle Path Walk

On Tuesday 6th of July the whole class walked the Bridle Path to experience how the Europeans had felt when they had to walk it. We definitely had it easier because we didn't have to carry all of our belongings like they did.

I was very tired and my legs hurt a lot because it was quite steep and windy. On the way down lots of people fell over because it was steeper than the other side and downhill. But other than that it was very fun and easy.

The Europeans would have been tired sore wanting to just get it over with.

The hardest part was probably going up hill.

The Mystery Door

The tiny creature was trapped all alone in the cold dark cave-like hut. Squeaking was all it could think of doing “HELP ME, HELP ME!” it squeaked hoping somebody would hear the squeaks, but the little creature's squeaks were too quiet. All it wanted to do was get out of the hut.

While a woman was on a walk in the forest she started hearing noises. She thought it was just a figment of her imagination, but then they got louder and louder until she saw the hut. She knocked on the door and nobody answered so she just opened the door… Inside the creature stood squeaking so loud it could barely even squeak.

The creature was so small and adorable. The woman had no idea what to do so she picked it up and patted it then she put it back down. The little creature was as soft as a kitten's belly. That's when she noticed she had to find a home. It couldn't stay in that disgusting cave so she picked it back up and tried to find it a home.

She just couldn't think where the little creature would live. It couldn't stay in the wild would it? That's the question that went through her mind for hours and hours. Then she realized that it should live inside of a real house! So she took the creature home and made it a place to stay in a spare room of her house. The creature was so happy inside of her house the creature felt like it was finally home!! The woman was so happy that she could help because all she wanted to do was help.

Thursday, July 1, 2021



Learning Intentions:

Robots: To use descriptive language and paragraphs.

The milky way slowly revealed itself to the sky filled with colors. There were clouds of stardust scattered all over the sky. The sky was brighter than ever before, it was like a star had exploded. There was no darkness for miles, only light. It was so  bright, even blinding but he was determined to see that eclipse.

All alone he stood on that frozen lake that had been covered in ice for days. He stood staring through his telescope looking at the milky way seeing nothing but colors. His warm coat kept him warm on this cold winter night. He knew the ice could break and he could fall into the shallow waters at any moment but he didn’t care, he wanted to see the sky.

He was studying planets hoping to be an astronaut someday. All night he would get his telescope and try to find other planets in the deep milky way. He froze in amazement, he had never seen anything like this before. He was searching for an eclipse to happen so he would wait no matter what gets in his way he was determined to watch the eclipse.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

What I did and learned at Ferrymead

V-hut: Washing clothes, polishing, scrubbing deck, ironing, sweeping floor, build fire place, making pots, wood cutting.

Immigration: Name, job, check up, form.

Crafts: Candle making, illusion making, knitting, french knitting, rag rugs, rope making, sewing buttons.

Packing the Trunk: Book, soft toy, clothes, candle, candle stand, chalk board, shoes, cutlery, late, cup, soap, bean seeds, drill, candle maker.

Some things I learned: I learned more about how people used to live in the old days because I got to experience it.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021



A little girl's father had to leave for war so she ran to the docks to say goodbye but when she got there the ship had gone. Her mother was at home making dinner but the little girl didn’t go home. Instead she sat on the docks crying, hoping her father would come home soon. Her mother waited and waited for the little girl to come home but she didn’t come till late at night. The daughter was devastated to know her father left without saying goodbye. A few days later her mother fell ill and they got mail saying the father wasn’t coming home he had died in the war. The little girl had no idea what to do because her mother was ill and her father was gone. Everyday she would go to the docks and cry hoping her father would come home.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Monday, May 10, 2021

School Lunches

We made a google form to see what people liked about the school lunches. We put all of our responses onto a google slide.

Friday, April 16, 2021

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Descriptive Writing.

A dark purply grey blanket covers the sky as the electrocuting lightning strikes the ground. Bang! The sky lights up then goes back to a disgusting dark and gloomy sky.

I can hear the creaking of the windmill blades as they spin faster. The wind picks up and the storm gets louder. The dirty yellow bricks towering up to make the walls of the old creaking windmill. 

Friday, April 9, 2021

Magic Mirror

Magic Mirror
Once every hundred years the portal would open...  A young girl owned this mirror but not just any old mirror it was a magic mirror. She was getting ready to go out when she noticed the mirror started to shake. She touched the mirror and her hand went through the mirror she so instantly pulled her hand out of the mirror and backed away from the mirror.

Then her mother called her name telling her that she needs to go so she ran down stairs and couldn't stop thinking about the mirror. When she got home she raced to her room and went back to the mirror. It was as if the mirror was calling her name.

She sat in front of it and touched it again her hand went back through she was very confused what had happened to her mirror. She was scared that her whole body was going to fall through so she told her friends but they didn't believe her so she had to show her friends it was real.

She had to research it but all it said was that the mirror was made to catch evil spirits and the portal would open every hundred years, so they could take innocent souls and feed on them to become more powerful. The young girl couldn't believe what she is reading and also couldn't believe that these evil spirits wanted to take her soul and feed on it.

A New Experience

                            Sky Sailing

 The baby blue sky filled with clouds. High off the ground, my stomach was doing somersaults. I was nervous and worried I would fall. Lots of rocks and trees all around.

I was still scared even though I knew I was still clipped in on the full body harness. Everyone watched as I was about to step off. I’m trying not to look down as i'm hanging in the air connected to the wires.

After I felt excited and brave. I was proud of myself because I did it and I didn’t think I would be able to because of how high I was. I was surprised I had the courage because it was high and I was scared but all that matters is that I gave it a go.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Quick Write 7/4/21

In a forest far far away was a cottage but not any old cottage the witches cottage. Inside lived a witch a very old witch who sells poison and other things. Once a young man went to get a spell to make his mother better but the witch tricked him and gave him poison. He rode his horse back home and poured a cup for his mum but it only made her sickness get worse. So he went back to the cottage asking for something else but all he got was poison. The boy wanted to help his mother no matter what so he went to every shop there was and got medicine to make her better. He gave them to her one by one and she started to get better. The witch found out and got mad because she wanted the mother to die so she went to the young mans home and switched all the medicine with poison when everyone was asleep. The next day when the son gave his mother the medicine she started to slowly die. The boy was sad and started crying, he was devastated he couldn't believe he let this happen he thought it was all his fault. The boy rode his horse down to the witches cabin and yelled at her for killing his mother she just sat there and laughed and said "well you should've taken better care of her" he couldn't believe what she just said so he went back home and cried.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

The Old Twisted Tree…..

 The Old Twisted Tree…..

Long long ago in Halloween town was a very old tree. It was so old it began to twist and cover the whole of Halloween town. Everyone said if you went near the tree you would vanish and the tree would twist more. But a little girl named sally didn’t believe this she thought it was all just a legend. So she went with her book, laid down next to the old tree and started to read. The tree stayed still Sally didn’t vanish she was absolutely fine, everything was fine. Until an earthquake happened the tree shook and the branches twisted and twisted, sally still didn’t vanish it was just an earthquake. The same earthquake that happened a hundred years ago it’s said to happen every hundred years.

Friday, March 19, 2021

The miniature Ponies.

The miniature soft horses playing on the cold slippery wet grass. Racing across the slippery wet grass. Speeding through the paddocks jumping over the barrels of hay.

Warm soft fuzzy fur on the small miniature ponies. Soft fluffy manes and tails. Black fuzzy sharp ears clean soft light brown skin.

Burning hot sun hiding behind the white fluffy clouds. The perfect soft breeze floating through the field. The field fills with the smell of a dumpster because of all the horse manure across the paddocks.

Friday, March 12, 2021

The Tropical

 The beautiful tropical island. Dolphins swimming gracefully in the ocean. Crashing waves hitting rocks palm trees everywhere moss on stones. Vines falling from the cliffs above, the squawking birds high in the sky circling the tropical island. Everything is so amazing but it was just a dream.

I woke up in my bed at least I thought I was in my bed I was laying on a raft in the ocean on the tropical island. I jumped from the raft and swam to shore. The squawking birds were still there the dolphins swimming gracefully were still there everything was still there.

Monday, March 8, 2021

The Wooden Box 5/3/2021

As I opened the old dusty wooden box my eyes grew wide. It was glowing with screaming bright light then it went dark. I could hear noises from the inside but I couldn't figure what it was. Then I saw it the dark misty forest hiding on the inside filled with grey, white eyed wolves and big brown grizzly bears. Clouds appeared rain started thunder and lightning even snow all in the wooden box. This box wasn't normal it was very old, older then the land. The box would open and the forest would appear every hundred years. The forest never changed you could always hear the howls of wolves and the screams of the people who fell into the box. You have to be careful or you might fall and if you fall you will never come out.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Marble Maze

I made a marble maze with Lily. I made it with one paper plate, a sheet of cardboard, some straws and plastic cups. The maze worked but we had to add some adjustments to it to make the marble go through easier otherwise it would get stuck in the middle and wouldn't go into the cup. It was fun making the maze and it was easy to work with Lily because we both understood what we were doing.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Keeper Of The Keys. Quick Write 3/2/2021

 In the middle of the dark woods were two great oak trees. At midnight the branches would combine and the keys would appear. The keys would glow when the man sat down with his scruffy scarf and his dusty lantern. The trees would shake and the keys would shatter into fine pieces of dust. Every night the same thing happened until the trees collapsed and the world went gray. The plants died and all the animals died the world was ending.

Friday, February 26, 2021

Be You

 Be You

Be ready: I’m always ready for what’s going to come.

Be curious: I’m always wondering what’s around the next corner.


Be adventurous: I love finding new places even if it means risk taking.

Be connected: I can find people who feel the same way and that I can relate to. 

Be persistent: I never stop going and I will achieve my goals.

Be different: I like to be different because I don’t like copying others.

Be kind: If somebody needs help I will help them instead of ignoring them.

Be brave: I am brave when I need to be brave.

Be your own thinker: I don't copy what everyone else does and I think of my own decisions.