
Friday, April 9, 2021

A New Experience

                            Sky Sailing

 The baby blue sky filled with clouds. High off the ground, my stomach was doing somersaults. I was nervous and worried I would fall. Lots of rocks and trees all around.

I was still scared even though I knew I was still clipped in on the full body harness. Everyone watched as I was about to step off. I’m trying not to look down as i'm hanging in the air connected to the wires.

After I felt excited and brave. I was proud of myself because I did it and I didn’t think I would be able to because of how high I was. I was surprised I had the courage because it was high and I was scared but all that matters is that I gave it a go.

1 comment:

  1. Good use of paragraphs Ruby. Your use of describing words really made me picture you there. Well done for doing the sky sail, I think you were very brave! I think next time, you could add more description in the first paragraph so I could picture the setting.


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