
Friday, April 9, 2021

Magic Mirror

Magic Mirror
Once every hundred years the portal would open...  A young girl owned this mirror but not just any old mirror it was a magic mirror. She was getting ready to go out when she noticed the mirror started to shake. She touched the mirror and her hand went through the mirror she so instantly pulled her hand out of the mirror and backed away from the mirror.

Then her mother called her name telling her that she needs to go so she ran down stairs and couldn't stop thinking about the mirror. When she got home she raced to her room and went back to the mirror. It was as if the mirror was calling her name.

She sat in front of it and touched it again her hand went back through she was very confused what had happened to her mirror. She was scared that her whole body was going to fall through so she told her friends but they didn't believe her so she had to show her friends it was real.

She had to research it but all it said was that the mirror was made to catch evil spirits and the portal would open every hundred years, so they could take innocent souls and feed on them to become more powerful. The young girl couldn't believe what she is reading and also couldn't believe that these evil spirits wanted to take her soul and feed on it.

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