
Thursday, April 8, 2021

Quick Write 7/4/21

In a forest far far away was a cottage but not any old cottage the witches cottage. Inside lived a witch a very old witch who sells poison and other things. Once a young man went to get a spell to make his mother better but the witch tricked him and gave him poison. He rode his horse back home and poured a cup for his mum but it only made her sickness get worse. So he went back to the cottage asking for something else but all he got was poison. The boy wanted to help his mother no matter what so he went to every shop there was and got medicine to make her better. He gave them to her one by one and she started to get better. The witch found out and got mad because she wanted the mother to die so she went to the young mans home and switched all the medicine with poison when everyone was asleep. The next day when the son gave his mother the medicine she started to slowly die. The boy was sad and started crying, he was devastated he couldn't believe he let this happen he thought it was all his fault. The boy rode his horse down to the witches cabin and yelled at her for killing his mother she just sat there and laughed and said "well you should've taken better care of her" he couldn't believe what she just said so he went back home and cried.

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