
Tuesday, December 8, 2020

The Solar Eclipse.


Dark blue clouds and dark red clouds fill up the night sky. As the sun shines bright the moon turns orange and leaves a bright glow in the atmosphere.

The clouds are as fluffy as sheep and as soft as silk. The sun as hot as laser beams and the moon as cold as ice.

The sky dark as space but at the same time as bright as the stars.

Literacy Circle. (Not A Chance)


 I have done a literature circle with Willow-Rae, Sophie, Logan, Jack and I. We read the book called Not A Chance it was very interesting and easy to read.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Garden Inquiry.


For the upcoming A&P show, Anika, Freya, Greta and I have been planting lots of plants to sell. We have planted lots of lettuce and beans. We have also planted some cucumber and zucchini. There are 5 different groups as part of the gardeners, which is the planters, builders, promoters, chefs and gardeners. I'm in the planters group, with Anika, Freya and Greta.

My Hydroponics Challenge💚

My Garden Challenge 

For my growing inquiry, I am learning how hydroponics work. My friend Caily is working with me so I can help her. We are doing hydroponics because we want to try something new. Hydroponics are plants that grow without soil. To make a cheap hydroponic system you need a 5-gallon bucket,
some growing media like coco coir or perlite-vermiculite, and some nutrient mix.
Hydroponic systems work by allowing minute control over environmental conditions like temperature and pH balance. We made made it by getting a plastic bucket and putting three (3) holes in the side of the bucket. Then we put coconut husk in with 1 sunflower seed in the middle with 4 sugar snap pea seeds. After we poured water in into the bucket an put the bucket in the tray. We have finished making it so now we wait for it to grow. For the past weeks we have been watering it quite well.
The only problem we have had was it being over watered and having people keep touching it which really annoyed us. Now we just have to wait for it to grow! We will have to water it everyday and make sure it gets sunlight. Some shoots have started to sprout and we are really happy because we didn't think it would grow. Some months have passed and it has been growing very well so we decided to plant it in the school garden. Some plants have died but some have lived so we will need to look after them more carefully.

The Magical Tree!


Somewhere underground was a mystical tree that lived on the airy land. This tree was not just any tree, it was the first tree to ever grow. It bought happiness to everyone, until something happened.

Someone didn't like this tree so they chopped it down and it feel into the ground all the happiness disappeared. All the plants would die and everyone would starve. The world was turning into burning hot pieces of coal.

This had to end the tree had to come back up to the surface, but how would we get it up. Its a tree we can't lift it, there is no way we could ever get it back up to the surface.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

The Strange City


I was walking down the hill when I had fell down the hill and landed in a weird underground city. There was blinding lights all around there was also people but they weren't people they were fairies.

The fairies came and surrounded me they wanted me out because I was human but it was so cool I wasn't leaving. They tried to use magic to get me out but I was much stronger than some magic. There was no way I was leaving.

I could hear they were getting mad it was obvious they didn't want me there, but I didn't care. I stayed and I wouldn't leave.

Friday, October 30, 2020

The Zoo Debate! Should animals be kept in zoos or not?

The Zoo Debate! Should animals be kept in zoos or not?

For reading we have been doing persuasive texts. I chose one of my favorite texts and made a popplet about it. I have done reasons animals should be kept in zoos and why they shouldn't.

My opinion is animals should be kept in zoos but also why they shouldn't. Animals should be kept in zoos for their safety, zoos might have endangered animals so zoos take them into safe places.

and animals shouldn't be kept in zoos because they shouldn't be held in captivity, also zoos can take animals from family's and away from their habitat.

The Bear and Me!

I was walking in the forest when I got lost, it was getting dark and there was bears all around. All I could hear was loud footsteps and I could barely see anything. I wanted to get out of the forest but it was to dark to see, then a bear caught me!

The bear helped me though, the bear took me across a broken tree and took me through the forest. Then the bear stopped and turned around the bear ran fast, faster then ever and hid. I was confused because we were nearly at the exit but then a group of tigers had gone past when they left we went back to the exit, and the bear took me through the exit.

I hopped of the bears back then I thanked the bear and gave it some fish. Then I saw a name tag on the bear it said Fuzzball the bears name was Fuzzball! Fuzzball followed me everywhere I went and Fuzzball helped me when I was hurt. I always gave Fuzzball fish if he was hungry. Everyday we went for a walk though the forest, it seemed Fuzzball knew his way around the forest quite well.

Written and edited by Ruby!! (After I wrote this I noticed it was a gorilla but I really didn't care)

Friday, October 23, 2020

The Mall


Bright lights


Kids shouting


Hot salty chips


Warm hot chocolate


Soft clothes from the clothing store

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Monday, October 12, 2020

The Plane (Quick Write) 12/10/2020

Blue and silver plane with a black line in the middle, while a beautiful blue sky reflects off of it. A long silver wing coming out the side with two boys sitting on top looking out into the clouds. The plane had jets that moved as fast as a blink of an eye, the plane had zoomed through the sky at lighting speed having no idea what was on the wing.

The boys saw other planes flying around them, so they started jumping on all the wings of the planes. They giggled and laughed forgetting that they are so high up in the sky. The planes went out of control and went into zig zags but managed not to crash.

The pilots had heard loud bangs not knowing what was hitting them. They had thought there were missiles hitting them but it was only the boys jumping on the wings. The pilots were scared so they started going faster and faster till they couldn't go any faster,but the boys just held on tight so they wouldn't fall.The boys were amazed of such a view, but also very scared that they would fall because of how fast the plane was going.

Written and edited by Ruby!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Quick Write 22/9/2020

It was a stormy night when I looked out my window I saw a house floating it had roots atached to it going up into the sky. Thats when I noticed it was my neighbours house. I ran outside hoping nobody was in the house I jumped up and managed to get a root I used it to pull 
myself up. When I pulled myself up I went inside the house to find the neigbour and his family hiding downstairs wanting to get back to ground.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Sharons DFI


For DFI I worked with Toby and we sorted the comments into good comments and bad comments. We had a conversation about why the comments are good or bad. The comments highlighted red are bad comments the ones that are highlighted green are good comments.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Stuck (Quick Write)

(Friends- Caily.W. Olivia.T. Willow.B.)


 It was a nice summer day so my friends and I had decided to go on a boat. We had fallen asleep on the boat and something bad had happened, we had crashed into and island. We looked up and saw a storm coming our way, we had to hide. We split up and gathered sticks to make a hut to stay in. I went and grabbed food and water from the boat while the  others made a fire. We were ready for the storm when I grabbed food and water I had also grabbed some blankets to stay warm. Then the storm hit the island we all screamed we needed to get back home.

Friday, September 4, 2020

Fantasia Poem

Poem Notes!

Word: Sunrise

How it would look: bright, blinding, yellow, white, shining, circular.

Eyes: Bright blue. 

Breath: Invisible.

How it moves: Gliding through the sky. Slowly.

How it feels: Hot. Hard.

What its carrying: A suitcase of light.

Voice and what it would say: The voice would be soft. It would say "Hellooooo"

Quick Write 4/9/20

 A baby monkey was all alone in the forest. Rain was pouring down so the monkey had to use a leaf to shelter itself. I wanted to go and help but I felt like if I move closer the monkey will get scared and run away. I really wanted to help but I didnt I left the monkey alone and left the forest hoping nobody had seen me. I felt bad for just leaving but I shouldnt have been poking my head around the forest. I could have gotten hurt, I should have stayed home.

Baby monkey from story.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Sunrise Poem!!

 Sunrise Poem

A blinding circle gliding in the sky

Breathing invisible beams of heat

Feeling as hard as rock and stone

Lifting a suitcase of flames and light

Thursday, August 20, 2020

My Pixel Art

 This is my rainbow poop that I made. I used goggle sheets to make we made it on Thursday when the Release Team came in. It was very fun to make and I couldnt think of what else to make.

Friday, August 14, 2020

My Literacy Circle

I have been making my literacy circle. We were reading Grandpas Mumbling house. I was the word person in it and it wads really fun.

The Underwater Adventure!!


It was a perfect day for diving so I decided to go for a nice dive in the ocean. When I dived in I swam to the darkest depths of the ocean and found a sunken ship. The ship was surrounded by sharks and octopuses. I had no idea how I would be able to get into that ship. But when I tried a shark saw me, I tried to swim away but the shark took me to the the boat and didn't hurt me. Then the shark swam away. I was so confused on why the shark did that. When I got back up to shore I kept thinking to myself why would the shark help me? I thought to myself for hours. I told my friends and they obviously didn't believe me but I kept telling them that it really happened but there was no way they would believe me.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

How Māori Were Treated


Te Reo Māori was the only spoken language untill the 19th century. Te Reo Māori is the native language of new zealand. Māori was the most common spoken language. Māori had no writtin language but they used symbols they had carved and embeded in weaving. Soon english settlers came to new zealand and Māori language started dying out in the 20th century.

As more settlers arrived the need for writtin communication in Māori grew bigger. Māori had no residance for illnesses brought by the European settlers. Among Māori the illnesses affected children and adults. Literacy and Numberacy were two new exciting things for Māori and took it very enthusiasticaly. 

Māori children were strapped for speaking Māori in school. Lots of Māori sought through parliment to make people teach more english in schools. Just 139 years after signing the treaty of waitangi Māori academics believed that the loss of te reo was so great that it would suffer language death.

I dont think people should be treated differently just because of the colour of thier skin everyone should be treated the same. It wouldnt have been nice and you should treat other people how you want to be treated.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Erupting Lemon!!

The Erupting Lemon!!

Have you ever wondered what happens when you put food colouring, baking soda and dish liquid and lemon together?? Well I did so I put those all together and made this it was really fun but very messy! The lemon is an acid and the baking soda is alkaline and the mix together to form a reaction. The dish liquid  causes bigger bubbles to form and stay longer. We poked the lemon with an ice cream stick and then it fizzed more!

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Play Collage!!

This is my creature with a fish tail, a dinosaur body, black wings, and a cat head. I had lots of fun making this because I got to play around with funny things! We made this for Sharon's digital technology group!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Holiday Fun!

Holiday Fun!

It all started Monday morning when she came running into my room and said "WAKE UP WERE GOING SKIING!!" I didnt want to because it was literally 7:00am I was to tired to get up But I had to. So I went and got dressed then went to the kitchen and ate my breakfast. Then after breakfast we went to the car and began the journey. I was excited but at the same time I was not excited a single bit for the ride. The drive was sooo long I felt like I was going to explode. I got a bit carsick and when I say a bit I mean a lot. I fell asleep most of the ride. But when we got there I would not get out the car it was frezzing cold but I grabbed my jacket and ski gear then went to the snow. When I got into the snow I went down the hill and of course I fell but I got back up and kept trying and when I was there I made some friends Cady and Aliesha. Aliesha and I had found this girl who needed help so we offered some help and later she was doing amazing!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Monday, February 24, 2020

The Old Days

It was a dark and wet night. Everyone was asleep but me. I was cold and wet, I thought it was the worst time to do this, but I had to. I was on a mission to “borrow” people's valuables, but it was worth it. I get paid millions to do it. I liked being a special agent. It was a nice job. I have never gotten caught by cops in my job because I work with them. It was nice because I get whatever I want when I want. I had a mansion and everything. I was really happy.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

the Boat-100 Words Story

I couldn't Swim but then I could hear lots of loud noises. Then I looked behind me and I saw a jet boat speeding to me. It hit me in the head and I woke up in hospital. The doctor had tried to tell me what happened but I was terrified and rushed out the door not hearing what the doctor said. My parents had rushed after me to explain what had happened. I didn't see them and I was too fast for them. I had gotten home and went and had a nap in my bed. Was I okay??

Friday, January 10, 2020

My Holidays!

                     My Holidays!
In the Holidays I had gone to Whare Flat Folk Festival I had
lots of fun because I could listen to music, swim in the swimming
hole and have ice cream. I made some new friends, one of the
friends was named Scarlett she is a nice enthusiastic girl and
she plays guitar, the other friend is a girl named Frida she is
from Germany, she is also enthusiastic she has two older
brothers who can be annoying sometimes, they were both glad
to be my friend because they didn't think anybody would want
to hang out with them. When my brother Corey and I were
setting up our tents somebody asked if they could take a
picture of us we said sure and the next day someone told us
we were on the news paper!
 Setting up their campsite at Whare Flat yesterday were Corey Leathart-Sutherland (15) and Ruby...
Setting up their campsite at Whare Flat yesterday were Corey Leathart-Sutherland (15) and Ruby
Leathart-Briggs (8), both from Christchurch. PHOTO: GREGOR RICHARDSON

The drive to Whare Flat was very long we left on the 28th of
December but arrived at 1AM on the 29th of December it
was a very long drive from Christchurch to Dunedin. It was a
fun adventure to Whare Flat I recommend it for you it's
from the 30th of December till the 3rd of January it is really
fun, I made a lot of friends!